New 58-page toolkit offers a step-by-step guide to help people and organizations work more effectively together.



Develop A Clear Roadmap 
to Take Your Vision from Idea to Execution

From Marisa Burmaster
Columbus, Ohio

Dear brothers and sisters,

My name is Marisa Burmaster, President and Co-Founder of Greater Good Ambassadors, a non-profit organization whose mission is to help people and organizations work more effectively together.  

I am a registered nurse, Six Sigma Black Belt and hold a Masters in Business Administration with a specialization in Operations and Logistics.

I'm here today because I've created a Collaborative Toolkit that I think you are going to love.

This is a framework that I have used for over a decade to help organizations and teams foster healthy collaboration and work more effectively together.

I have spent my career facilitating large and small scale change initiatives and multi-organizational collaborations.

I have used this same method with executives in the C-suite, with individual entrepreneurs who are birthing a new business, with ministries who are coming together to achieve a collective goal, and with small and large teams from different service lines inside multi-million dollar organizations - and it has helped them all.

I have learned so much through this experience, and I'm not going to lie - many were difficult lessons learned, but the two main things that I will share with you that I know to be 100% true are...

1. It can be really hard to get people to work effectively together!  It is like herding cats!

2. You need a proven structure in place to make progress together and ensure healthy collaboration.

I have a particular grace on my life for helping people work more effectively together and I knew that God was calling me to share this with the world.  It has taken me over 10 years to perfect and simplify this method and I am so excited to share it with you!

Throughout my journey of bringing people together, the Lord has constantly reminded me of this verse:
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
It is a beautiful and powerful thing when a group of people with a similar passion can come together and build something great collectively.

As I've worked with hundreds of people trying to accomplish this very thing - I hear the same feedback over and over again.

"We are so passionate and motivated, but we are stuck."

"We have great ideas but we don't know where to begin to bring everyone together."

"We don't have good process or structure."

"We are not communicating well."

Do these phrases sound familiar?  I'm sure they do.
The Collaborative Toolkit Can Help!
You are not alone.

The secret to an achieving anything great boils down to focus, consistency, organization, and communication.

In order for us to do this, we need to have systems and structure in place to help us.  

Whether you are an individual with a dream in your heart, a team leader who needs to effectively rally your troops, or a member of a multi-organizational team coming together to achieve a collective goal, this is for you. 

This Will Help You Bring Your Team Together Without Feeling Overwhelmed, Frustrated Or Stuck.

If you don't have good structure to keep the members of your group focused and progressing forward, then you are either stuck or going backwards. 

And unfortunately you can only coast if you're going downhill.

So are you ready to take your team to the next level?

Are you ready to achieve levels of productivity and focus like you've not experienced so far?

Are you ready to finally have a clear vision and mission for your initiative and actionable objectives to achieve it?

If so, this is for you!
Get Instant Access to The Framework that Will Provide Your Team With a Clear Roadmap to Success
I charge over $5000 for a 3 day in-person workshop to teach this method.  But you can have the same proven content I use, in this do-it-yourself format - 
For Only $7
Yes... for this TEMPORARY low price, you can get access to a framework that took me HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars of student loans to learn and OVER 10 YEARS of trial and error to simplify and perfect.

Check out some of the benefits of the toolkit that I have heard over and over from those who have interacted with its contents.
  •  The toolkit gives you tangible tools to organize your efforts.
  •  The toolkit eliminates the work of crafting agendas - the flow of the toolkit becomes your meeting agendas.
  •  The toolkit helps your group to set a clear mission and vision and guides you through setting actionable goals and objectives to achieve them.
  • ​The toolkit will help you build a structured communication plan so that your meetings are productive and your initiatives move forward efficiently and effectively.
  • ​The toolkit is a step-by-step method so no more guessing how and when to do which part!
  • ​And much much more!
What Have My Customers Said About Their Interactions with This Same Content During My In-Person Workshops? 


"This workshop is outstanding. The involvement and teamwork that was required throughout the workshop kept everyone engaged. The gains made as a team in one day were both welcome and much needed. Thank you for your hard work in putting this together."
In Person Workshop 

"...Great collaboration."

"Great collaboration."
In Person Workshop 

"...fantastic opportunity"

"This was a fantastic opportunity for our group to get together and develop common goals, improve communication, and set a strategic vision together."
In Person Workshop 

"...Great Job!"

"The workshop proceeded in a logical fashion with team goals established in a manner that was non-threatening. The goals were well defined and the means to achieve a flow of communication was built. Great Job!"
In Person Workshop 

"...one of the best workshops I have attended."

"This was one of the best workshops I have attended. I left the sessions with real tools to use daily that will greatly help me do my job better."
In Person Workshop 

"...great step toward improving communications."

"This workshop was a great step toward improving communications within our group and improving engagement overall."
In Person Workshop 
When You Get Access to The Collaborative Toolkit (For Just $7)
You'll Get The Toolkit and All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
The Collaborative Toolkit
Interactive Training - Read, Learn and Do
Total Value: $5000
This 58 page toolkit contains interactive training that makes it easy to follow a step-by-step method for organizing your group's efforts.  

By using a 'read, learn, and do' method, this toolkit will walk you through a training and then an application exercise that is simplified and easy to follow. 

It contains a training for each section, an easy-to-follow exercise for your group to complete for each section and includes all templates in PDF form.  

Below are a few of the main contents of the toolkit:
  • Collaborative Readiness Survey:  The included survey is designed to identify your group's maturity, resources, and readiness for collaboration.
  • SWOT Analysis: This training and group exercise will help you to identify the groups strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.  You will use the outcome of this exercise to identify your priority areas of focus.
  • Vision and Mission Statement Development:  The development of a vision and mission statement are critical to bring people together around a common purpose.  This training and group exercise will ensure all members share and understand the common purpose and direction.
  • Goal Setting Workshop:  The step-by-step group exercise will walk your collaborative members through setting long and short-term goals and creating an action plan with clear roles and responsibilities to achieve them.
  • Communication Plan:  The secret to making progress on any initiative is effective communication.  We will take the action plan you developed and create the group's plan to communicate progress. 
  • And much much more!
Get This When You Purchase Access to The Collaborative Toolkit Today! 
Bonus #1 - Stakeholder Analysis Training and Template
Training and Template
Total Value: $97
It is important to make sure you have all of the people you need at your table.  This training and template will guide you through this evaluation process.  Others have paid over $97 for just this alone, but you'll be getting it FREE when you order The Collaborative Toolkit today!
Get This For FREE When You Purchase Access to The Collaborative Toolkit Today! 
Bonus #2 - Group Voting Methods
Practical Ways to Ensure Non-Biased Decision Making
Total Value: $27
This group voting methods overview will give your team practical ways to ensure non-biased decision making amongst all group members.
Get This For FREE When You Purchase Access to The Collaborative Toolkit Today! 
Bonus #3 - Collaborative Member Agreement Example
Collaborative Member Agreement Example Template
Total Value: $97
Ensuring that each member of the collaborative is clear when it comes to their roles and responsibilities is of great importance.

This example collaborative member agreement was constructed so that you can copy and paste its contents into your own member agreement. 

This will help you define the roles and responsibilities of being a member of the collaborative, and clearly communicate the standard to which everyone should uphold with their interactions.
Get This For FREE When You Purchase Access to The Collaborative Toolkit Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
The catch is....

There is no catch!

I really wanted to provide you with the most value in this toolkit that I could develop so it would be a no-brainer for you to hit that purchase button!

The world is waiting for you to step out in faith and accomplish all that God is calling you to do.

But we need to create some structure behind your dream or it will remain just that......a dream.
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
I normally provide this training for over $5000 in person, and people think I am crazy for basically giving it away for $7.

I do agree with them, but I wanted to get this out to more people than charging $5000 would allow me to reach.

I wanted this to be a no-brainer purchase.

I am not sure why you have even scrolled this far and not purchased yet!  

That was time you could have spent working with your team on the plan to achieve the dream that is on your hearts.  

You should not wait one more minute!  Let's get started already!

This price is going up soon, I wanted to offer it this low for a short period of time so that anyone could get in on these secrets to success.

But you better act fast!

I once heard one of my spiritual mentors say - 

"The level of authority you have over a matter is directly related to the time it takes you to obey God's voice."

Whoa.  That hits me hard every time.

God has planted a desire in your heart to achieve something great with your team.  I believe this toolkit is a gift to you, for such a time as this, to help you see it come to life.
So Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order The Collaborative Toolkit:
YES! Give Me Instant Access To The Collaborative Toolkit RIGHT NOW For Just $7!
  Instant Access To The Collaborative Toolkit (Value $5000)
  All Toolkit Templates in PDF Format (Value $497)
  BONUS:  Stakeholder Analysis Training and Template (Value $97)
  BONUS:  Group Voting Methods Overview (Value $27)
  BONUS:  Collaborative Member Agreement Template (Value $97)
Total Value: $5,718
Today Just $7
Ok, you've heard me beg you to put some structure around your vision enough.  

I have to go get working on my goals too.

I hope you enjoy the toolkit.  I am praying you use it over and over to do all the things that God calls you to do, and you share this with other people so they can use it to achieve their goals too.

May God Bless You and Keep You.


Go be awesome,
Marisa Burmaster
P.S. Did you scroll all the way to the bottom of this page first to see what the deal was?  Ha!

You're my kind of person.  I get it, just get to the point already!

The point is, God has plans for you to achieve big goals that you are not doing because you do not have the structure in place to organize your efforts.

This toolkit will walk you through a proven step-by-step method to get you organized and well on your way to seeing your dream come to life.  

Whether you are an individual with a dream in your heart, a team leader who needs to effectively rally your troops, or a member of a multi-organizational team coming together to achieve a collective goal, this is for you.  

There are tons of bonuses packed in.  And it's only $7.  I laugh even writing that.  But it is true.  Only $7.

So click the button below so you can get started already!
YES! Give Me Instant Access To The Collaborative Toolkit RIGHT NOW For Just $7!
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything Your Going To Get
  • Instant Access To The Collaborative Toolkit (Value $5000)
  • All Toolkit Templates in PDF Format (Value $497)
  • BONUS: Stakeholder Analysis Training and Template (Value $97)
  • ​BONUS: Group Voting Methods Overview (Value $27)
  • BONUS: Collaborative Member Agreement Template (Value $97)
Total Value: $5,718
Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $15: Do you want the MP3 audio file of the Goal Setting Workshop session of the toolkit so you can listen to it when you are on the go? Then this one time, exclusive offer is for you! Click 'YES' to add this to your order right now for only $15.

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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